Godwin Vasanth Bosco reports on extreme precipitation that has fallen on the Nilgiri plateau of southern India the last few years. These extreme and unprecedented rain events have led to massive landslides and other ecological damage. Little has been done to address the crisis.
Featured image: A massive landslide in one of the largest sholas in the Avalanche region of the Nilgiris, with hundreds of native trees and the stream ecology washed away. Continue reading Peril In The Hills: Extreme Weather A Danger For Nilgiri Ecosystem
Category Archives: Biodiversity and Habitat Destruction
कोरोना संक्रमण पश्चात निजगढ वनविनाश पुनर्विचार गर्ने की?
बाराको निजगढ वनबाट २४ लाख रूख कटानी गरी निजगढ विमानस्थल बनाउने प्रस्तावना छ। यस क्षेत्रकै सबैभन्दा जैविक विविधताले सुसज्जित क्षेत्र हो। पर्यावरणीय र आर्थिक दुबै पाटोले कमजोर परियोजनामा अब जनस्वास्थ्यको पाटो पनि आवश्यक रहेको छ।
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