Tag Archives: India

Suspension Of Farm Laws In India

This news article describes the impact of corrupt legislation on ordinary working people. The organised protests and solidarity of the public with farmers is an excellent example of how coordinated resistance can enable change.

Editor’s note: DGR strongly opposes the three new farm laws that have inspired the farmer’s protests in India. However, we do not necessarily agree with all of the demands of the protestors. Continue reading Suspension Of Farm Laws In India

Vishakhapatnam Gas Leak: Who do We Hold Accountable?

This culture prioritizes economic gains over human and natural welfare. The series of toxic accidents in India (of which the Vishakhapatnam gas leak is only a near example) lay testimony to this fact. In such a culture, is it possible to hold the responsible actors accountable for their actions? Continue reading Vishakhapatnam Gas Leak: Who do We Hold Accountable?